Have you ever found yourself in front of the mirror, just staring at what you saw, and suddenly it dawns on you that there's so much more to the image you are seeing than what you are actually, visually, seeing? 

Quite probable I am the only one. But in having such a moment, I personally realized that is exactly how everything else in this beautiful world is as well. There is so much more to our lives and to what goes on around us than the snapshots we see through our eyes as each moment passes. Every moment should be an opportunity for a memory and memories are what write the stories that will be told forever more.

I'm a young, blissfully married, creator. I spend most of my time dreaming of one day quitting "real life" and constantly capaturing the magic moments happening to everyone all around me. I think I dream in video. If you ask my husband he will tell you that 1:00 a.m. often finds me with my mind going 90 miles an hour in front of my computer or with eyes wide open lying on my pillow, not being able to turn off my brain.

It has taken me 25 years to understand what it means to passionate about something. To love doing something so much that you don't want to stop. I have found this in the rare twinkle of light within a photo I capture through my front door or having the record button 
pressed when an accidental smile spreads across a young man's face 
as he stares at his bride to be. It's magical. No wands or pixie dust required.

I want to capture magical moments for you!